Burkina Faso born @kerearchitecture has such a great approach to his work, utilising both new technologies along with materials indigenous to the location of the structure.⠀
None more so than his first project of building a school in his home village where he grew up. He made some beautiful structures out of clay and cement in his words "I did a modern building that is not westernised, and not a traditional African building," this forging of technologies, techniques and styles is what makes his work so unique .⠀
A sense of social responsibility drove Kéré to pursue projects first in his home village, then further afield in Burkina Faso, and now the practice has projects in Yemen, India and Mali. Through linking architecture with development Kéré's projects take a holistic approach and his association has expanded its remit beyond building schools to organising women's co-operatives, supporting education for girls and providing much needed employment for youth through training and projects, proving the socially transformative potential of architecture.⠀
We were lucky enough to see his beautiful @serpentineuk pavilion back in 2017 which was this incredible blue and natural colour wood structure based on the tree from his home village that everyone congregates around.
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