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ELV Denim

“My design process has always started from a point of waste”, says the zero waste upcycled brand ELV Denim founder Anna Foster. Founded her brand in 2017, Foster ensures that each jean has the lowest carbon footprint possible, giving a second life to denims that would otherwise be destined for landfill, while working with local ateliers on every phase of the production and regarding reducing waste as a global responsibility. ⁠⁠

In the process of upcycling, E.L.V. DENIM has a few steps, everything begins with sourcing discarded jeans destined for landfill from vintage warehouses around UK. They get washed at a local launderette, being prepared and quality-checked at the E.L.V. atelier, hand cut and sewn at a local and sustainability-focused atelier. Recycled materials are chosen for labels, hardware and other details. The brands focus is concentrated on environmental and social sustainability and their transparency about their supply chain is evidence on both of these aspects. As they stated, “E.L.V. DENIM believes that making conscious choices and being entirely transparent with parties in the supply chain is of the utmost importance to give the consumer a sustainable alternative with jeans that are fit and fair.” ⁠⁠
No designer denies that it’s quite a challenge to transform old things into something new, but to see how creative and empowering their approaches are, is encouraging. At E.L.V. DENIM, there is thought behind every design and attention to detail that can not be unnoted. Every garment feels elevated and could find its place in many closets. ⁠⁠
We are very happy to introduce E.L.V. DENIM to you, let us know what you think in the comments below.⁠⁠




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